9 Ways To Make The Most of Every Single Day

Everyday is the chance for a fresh start – a chance to get things done and help you move closer to achieving your goals. By simply taking the time to start your day right every morning and implementing a simple framework into your routine to make the most out of your time, you will not only be able to get more done, but enjoy the process along the way – which, after all, is the key to a fulfilling life.

Here are 9 simple steps to get you on the right track, every single day:

1. Believe It’s Possible

Attitude is everything. It’s not enough to tell yourself you can have a fresh start every morning, you have to believe it. As Theodore Roosevelt once wrote:

‘Believe you can and you’re halfway there.’

2. Wake Up Earlier

In keeping with having a positive attitude, let’s start with your alarm clock. When it rings, you can either slam your hand down on the snooze button or hear a calling for a fresh opportunity. How you choose to react will start to decide the tone of your day. Mornings are not only the beginning of the day, they are generally the most productive – you have the most energy, and with the right attitude, the most enthusiasm, so even if it’s 15 minutes or half an hour earlier, set your clock and your attitude at the right speed, and the rest of your day will be better for it.

3. Meditate

Everyday is a new day and with that many unexpected challenges and stress can come with it. By starting your morning with a 10-20 minute meditation (I love the app One Giant Mind), you can find calm and balance before the storm. Spending mere minutes in the morning to center yourself and set your intentions can save you hours of stress and frustration in the day. Highly recommend.

4. Have a plan

‘People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.’ – John Beckley


The best intentions in the world will only get you so far. Having even a loosely mapped out day will take you farther than winging it ever will. By planning out the beats, you’ll be surprised how much time you’ll find, not just for more work, but to fill in the blanks with something creative.

5. Have a Creative Outlet

Take a break already! You’ve got to find time during the day to switch gears mentally. Everyone is creative. I mean everyone. So if you haven’t found something that you love to do that’s on the creative side, now’s the time. Start with something simple like Adult coloring and allow your mind to expand. This gives you energy and a new view on your work and the world. Plus, it’s fun, trust me.

6. Eat Right

Food is crucial. What you are putting in your body can do one of 2 things: give you energy or take your energy away. Don’t think an apple cuts it, instead of a chocolate bar? Maybe not in the second you’re eating it, but you’ve got to think longer term than that. 10 minutes later your on a sugar crash, when an apple with almond butter will give you fuel for the next 3 hours. It’s just this simple: you truly are what you eat. NO EXCUSES.

7. Add the Right Supplement

Now, more than ever, we are trying to get more and more and more done in a day. It can leave us feeling tired, lacking energy and lacking focus. I am a huge advocate for eating right, but more than that I believe that the science is in on certain supplements, one of which has mad a huge difference to my everyday energy, focus and clarity.

QSciences,is a health and wellness brand established in 2013 that specializes in creating products designed to improve every aspect of one’s health. Their flagship product is the Empowerplus Q96 which is an all natural supplement created from a balanced blend of 36 vitamins, minerals and amino acids designed to improve overall mental health and performance. It has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety and help the brain perform at its peak levels all the time. So if you are suffering from mental fatigue or just the stresses of everyday, the Empowerplus Q96 is designed for anyone looking to reduce their stress and improve their mood.

Here’s where you can go check out the Empowerplus Q96 for yourself!

8. Move

‘A body at rest will stay at rest unless an outside force acts upon it’ – Newton’s law of motion. He’s talking about molecules, but the same applies to human beings. You have got to get yourself moving, throughout the day. To sit at your desk, hunched over your computer for hours at a time is bad physically and mentally. Period.

I strongly advise not only having a written down weekly exercise schedule that you keep yourself accountable to – but as well, take 2 or 3 short breaks to take a walk, stretch and get that blood moving. It’s crucial to maximizing your productivity and optimizing your mental health.

9. Have Fun

‘You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred.’ – Woody Allen

Last, but certainly not least: there is no point to life if you’re not having a good time. Not only should you mandate extracurricular activities regularly, after work and on the weekends, you should be trying to find the joy and fun in things you are working on, throughout the day. There shouldn’t be such a huge divide between work and enjoyment, or again, what’s the point? No matter what kind of job you have, with the right attitude there are ways to make what you’re doing fun – but it’s up to you to figure that out.

It is proven that people that find the positivity in every situation and those who socialize and make friends are happier and healthier.